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第四届南京大学-布朗大学全球论坛“性别、跨媒介与艺术” 2019.6.12-13

Time:2023-04-09 Hits:10


The 4thNanjing-Brown Global Forum on

“Gender, Intermedia and Arts”

June 12-13, 2019














10:00-10:30, 12 June

Opening ceremony and photo-taking

Chair: He Chengzhou

Speakers: Zhou Xian, Wang Lingzhen, Zhou Anhua, Cong Cong


10:30-12:00, 12 June

Lingzhen Wang, Professor of Chinese Literature and Film Studies, Brown University

Lecture topic: Capitalism, Feminism and History

Moderator: He Chengzhou


14:00-15:30, 12 June

Leslie Bostrom, Professor and Chair of Visual Art, Brown University

Lecture topic: Painting, Words, and Gender

Moderator: Cong Cong


16:00-17:30, 12 June

Lynne Joyrich, Professor and Chair of Modern Culture and Media, Brown University

Lecture topic: Stardom, Sexual Harassment, and the #MeToo Movement

Moderator: Cong Cong


09:00-10:30, 13 June

Patricia White,Eugene Lang Research Professor of Film and Media Studies, Swarthmore College

Lecture topic:Popular Feminism

Moderator: Lingzhen Wang


10:45-12:15, 13 June

Chengzhou He, Professor of School of Foreign Studies and Dean of School of Arts, Nanjing University

Lecture topic: Intercultural Representation of Women on Contemporary Chinese Stage

Moderator: Lingzhen Wang




Public Lectures Following the Forum


16:00-17:30, 13 June

Guest lecture, by Patricia White, Eugene Lang Research Professor of Film and Media Studies, Swarthmore College

Title: Under Western Eyes: Chloe Zhao and World Cinema

Moderator: 周安华Zhou Anhua

Venue: School of Literature文学院


18:30-20:00, 13 June

Guest lecture, by Leslie Bostrom, Professor and Chair of Visual Art, Brown University

Title: Landscape and Freud's Uncanny

Moderator: 祁林Qi Lin

Venue: School of Arts艺术学院, Gulou Campus, Yifu Building 812




王玲珍:美国布朗大学教授,康奈尔大学博士。南京大学文学院特聘教授,博士生导师; 南大-布朗性别人文研究合作项目美方主任,亚洲研究协会中国与中亚理事会CIAS)委员; 南大-布朗性别、理论与文化系列书籍合作主编。研究领域包括:中国现当代文学、自传文学、中国电影、文化批评理论、性别研究和跨国女性主义理论。除了中英文期刊文章,代表性专著及编译著作包括:Personal Matters: Women’s Autobiographical Practice in Twentieth Century China (Stanford University Press, 2004), Years of Sadness (Cornell East Asian Press, 2009), Chinese Women’s Cinema: Transnational Contexts (Columbia University Press, 2011), Other Genders, Other Sexualities: Chinese Differences (Duke University Press, 2013),和《中国的性/性别:历史差异》(与何成洲合编,上海三联出版社, 2016


 Leslie Bostrom:美国布朗大学艺术教授,视觉艺术系主任,教授版画及绘画。她毕业于缅因大学和罗德岛设计学院,担任多家全国性艺术出版社的印刷主管和印刷顾问。她曾获得罗德岛州立艺术委员会颁发的三项奖学金。她自己也是一位版画家和画家,她的代表艺术作品有以下系列:“Uncanny” Watercolors , Monster Flowers, Bird Disasters她的作品曾在美国本土及国际上展出,最近的个展“Uncanny”, watercolors在韩国首尔举办,近期的个展包括:Drawings on Plywood, Project Room, University of Rhode Island (2017); Monster Flowers, Brenda Taylor Gallery, New York (2012); Paintings, Brenda Taylor Gallery, New York (2006)


Lynne Joyrich:美国布朗大学现代文化与媒体系教授、系主任。她的主要著作有:Re-viewing Reception: Television, Gender, and Postmodern Culture (Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1996)。她所撰写的电影、电视、文化研究、性/别研究等领域的学术文章发表于Critical InquiryCinema JournaldifferencesDiscourseJournal of e-Media StudiesJournal of Visual Culture,Transformative Works and Cultures等学术期刊上,并收录于Logics of TelevisionModernity and Mass CulturePrivate Screenings: Television and the Female ConsumerPedagogy: The Question of Impersonation; PostmodernAfter-Images; Cultural SubjectsInventing Film StudiesQueer TV: Theories, Histories, PoliticsMad Men, Mad World: Sex, Politics, Style, and the 1960sNew Media, Old Media: A History and Theory Reader;以及 Feminisms: Diversity, Difference and Multiplicity in Contemporary Film Cultures等书中。她是美国著名期刊Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies的资深编辑,于1996年起担任此期刊的编委。

Patricia White: 美国斯沃斯莫尔学院电影与媒介学尤金·朗恩(Eugene Lange)研究教授(research professor)。她的主要著作包括:Women’s Cinema/World Cinema: Projecting Contemporary Feminisms (Duke University Press, 2015) Uninvited: Classical Hollywood Cinema and Lesbian Representability(Indiana University Press, 1999) 。她的女性主义电影研究成果发表于Camera Obscura, Cinema Journal, Film Quarterly, GLQ, Screen等学术期刊并收录于Indie Reframed, Out in Culture, A Feminist Reader in Early Cinema等选集中。她与Timothy Corrigan合著The Film Experience (Bedford St. Martins, 5th ed. 2017) ,并与Timothy CorriganMeta Mazaj合编了Critical Visions in Film Theory (Bedford St. Martins, 2011). White教授同时是非营利女权主义媒体艺术组织Women Make Movies的委员,是Film Quarterly期刊的顾问委员,以及女权主义电影期刊Camera Obscura的编辑。她近期策划编辑了以Chantal Akerman作品及遗产为主题的特刊。


何成洲:南京大学外国语学院教授、艺术学院院长,博士生导师,挪威奥斯陆大学博士,长江学者,欧洲科学院外籍院士,南京大学-布朗大学性别与人文研究项目中方主任。代表性著作包括:Henrik Ibsen and Modern Chinese Drama (Oslo, 2004), Representation of the Other (Goettingen, 2009), 《对话北欧经典》(北京大学出版社,2009)。在Gender, Place and Culture, differences, European Review, Orbis, Neohelicon, Modern Language Quarterly, Comparative Drama, Comparative Literature Studies, Ibsen Studies, Perspectives: Studies on Translatology, Modern Fiction Studies和《外国文学评论》等中英文学术期刊上发表论文近百篇。


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